Dynamics 365 is a popular customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution from Microsoft. As with any software development project, it is crucial to have a robust testing and quality assurance process in place for Dynamics 365 projects. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best practices for testing and quality assurance in Dynamics 365 projects.


Understand the requirements

The first step in any successful software development project is to understand the requirements. In Dynamics 365 projects, this means understanding the business requirements and the technical requirements. Business requirements describe what the system should do, while technical requirements describe how the system should do it. Understanding these requirements is critical to ensure that the testing and quality assurance process is aligned with the project goals.


Create a testing strategy

Once the requirements are understood, the next step is to create a testing strategy. This strategy should include the types of tests that will be performed, the tools that will be used, and the schedule for testing. The testing strategy should also include a list of risks and assumptions that will be tested.

There are several types of tests that can be performed in Dynamics 365 projects. These include functional testing, integration testing, performance testing, and security testing. Functional testing ensures that the system works as expected, integration testing ensures that the system integrates with other systems, performance testing ensures that the system performs well under load, and security testing ensures that the system is secure.


Use automated testing tools

Automated testing tools can help to streamline the testing process and reduce the amount of time required to test the system. There are several automated testing tools available for Dynamics 365 projects, including Microsoft's own testing tools such as Microsoft Test Manager and Visual Studio Test Professional, as well as third-party tools such as Selenium and Telerik Test Studio.

Automated testing can be used to perform functional testing, integration testing, performance testing, and security testing. Automated testing can also be used to test the user interface and ensure that the system is accessible to users with disabilities.


Test early and often

Testing should be performed early in the project and often throughout the development cycle. This helps to identify defects early in the process when they are less expensive to fix. It also helps to ensure that the system meets the requirements and is of high quality.

Testing should be performed at every stage of the development cycle, including during the design phase, development phase, and deployment phase. It is important to ensure that testing is performed before the system is deployed to production.


Use a testing environment

A testing environment is a separate environment that is used specifically for testing. This environment should be a replica of the production environment, but with some key differences. For example, the testing environment should not be accessible to end-users, and it should be isolated from other environments.

Using a testing environment helps to ensure that testing is performed in a controlled environment and that the production environment is not disrupted by testing activities. It also helps to ensure that defects are identified before the system is deployed to production.


Involve stakeholders in the testing process

Stakeholders should be involved in the testing process to ensure that the system meets their expectations. This includes end-users, business owners, and other stakeholders who have a vested interest in the system.

End-users should be involved in testing to ensure that the system is user-friendly and meets their needs. Business owners should be involved in testing to ensure that the system meets the business requirements. Other stakeholders, such as IT staff, should be involved in testing to ensure that the system is secure and performs well under load.


Use a defect tracking system

A defect tracking system is a tool that is used to track defects and issues that are identified during the testing process. The defect tracking system should be integrated with the project management system to ensure that defects are resolved in a timely manner.

The defect tracking system should include information about the defect, such as the severity, the steps to reproduce the defect, and the expected behavior. It should also include information about the status of the defect, such as whether it has been assigned to a developer, whether it has been resolved, and whether it has been verified by the testing team.

Using a defect tracking system helps to ensure that defects are not forgotten or lost during the development process. It also helps to ensure that defects are resolved before the system is deployed to production.


Perform regression testing

Regression testing is the process of testing the system after changes have been made to ensure that existing functionality still works as expected. This is particularly important in Dynamics 365 projects, where changes to the system can have a significant impact on other areas of the system.

Regression testing should be performed after every change to the system, including bug fixes, enhancements, and new features. Automated testing can be used to perform regression testing, which helps to ensure that the testing process is efficient and effective.


Use a code review process

A code review process is a process where code is reviewed by other developers to ensure that it meets coding standards and best practices. Code reviews can help to identify defects and potential performance issues before the code is deployed to production.

Code reviews should be performed by experienced developers who are familiar with the coding standards and best practices for Dynamics 365 projects. Code reviews should be performed on a regular basis, such as before code is merged into the main branch.


Document the testing process

The testing process should be documented to ensure that it is repeatable and consistent. The documentation should include information about the testing strategy, the types of tests that were performed, the tools that were used, and the results of the testing.

The documentation should also include information about any defects that were identified and how they were resolved. This helps to ensure that the testing process is transparent and that all stakeholders are aware of the testing activities and results.



In conclusion, testing and quality assurance are critical components of any Dynamics 365 project. By following best practices such as understanding the requirements, creating a testing strategy, using automated testing tools, testing early and often, using a testing environment, involving stakeholders in the testing process, using a defect tracking system, performing regression testing, using a code review process, and documenting the testing process, developers can ensure that the system is of high quality and meets the needs of the stakeholders. By prioritizing testing and quality assurance, Dynamics 365 projects can be successful and provide value to the organization.