Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) is a set of integrated business applications that provide end-to-end business process support for organizations. One of the key components of EBS is Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher, which is a powerful reporting tool that allows organizations to create, manage, and deliver a wide range of reports and documents.


In this blog post, we will explore Oracle EBS BI Publisher in depth. We will discuss its features, benefits, and use cases, as well as provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a report using BI Publisher.


Features of Oracle EBS BI Publisher

Oracle EBS BI Publisher offers a wide range of features that make it a powerful reporting tool. Some of the key features of BI Publisher include:


1) Report Design: BI Publisher allows you to create professional-looking reports using a variety of templates, charts, and graphs. You can also customize the layout and formatting of your reports to meet your specific business needs.

2) Data Sources: BI Publisher supports a wide range of data sources, including Oracle EBS, XML, Excel, and SQL databases. This allows you to create reports that pull data from multiple sources and combine it into a single report.

3) Delivery Options: BI Publisher allows you to deliver your reports in a variety of formats, including PDF, Excel, HTML, and XML. You can also schedule reports to be delivered automatically to specific users or groups.

4) Security: BI Publisher integrates with Oracle EBS security, which means you can control access to reports based on user roles and responsibilities.

5) Internationalization: BI Publisher supports multiple languages, currencies, and date formats, which makes it a great tool for organizations that operate in multiple countries.


Benefits of Oracle EBS BI Publisher

Oracle EBS BI Publisher offers many benefits to organizations that use it. Some of the key benefits of BI Publisher include:


1) Improved Reporting: BI Publisher allows you to create reports that are tailored to your specific business needs. This can help you make better-informed decisions and improve overall business performance.

2) Reduced Costs: By automating the report creation and delivery process, BI Publisher can help you reduce the time and resources required to create and distribute reports.

3) Increased Productivity: BI Publisher allows users to create and manage their own reports, which means they can get the information they need quickly and easily. This can help increase overall productivity and efficiency.

4) Better Compliance: BI Publisher allows you to create reports that meet regulatory compliance requirements, such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

5) Improved Customer Service: By providing accurate and timely reports to customers, BI Publisher can help improve overall customer satisfaction.


Use Cases of Oracle EBS BI Publisher

Oracle EBS BI Publisher can be used in a variety of industries and business functions. Some common use cases of BI Publisher include:


1) Financial Reporting: BI Publisher can be used to create financial reports, such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. These reports can be customized to meet specific accounting requirements and can help organizations make informed financial decisions.

2) Human Resources Reporting: BI Publisher can be used to create HR reports, such as employee performance reviews, compensation reports, and benefits summaries. These reports can help HR departments make informed decisions about hiring, promotions, and employee retention.

3) Sales and Marketing Reporting: BI Publisher can be used to create sales and marketing reports, such as lead generation reports, sales forecasts, and customer profiles. These reports can help organizations improve their sales and marketing strategies and increase revenue.

4) Supply Chain Management Reporting: BI Publisher can be used to create supply chain management reports, such as inventory reports, purchase order reports, and shipping reports. These reports can help organizations optimize their supply chain processes and reduce costs.

5) Compliance Reporting: BI Publisher can be used to create compliance reports, such as audit reports, regulatory compliance reports, and risk management reports. These reports can help organizations ensure they are meeting legal and regulatory requirements.


Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create a Report using Oracle EBS BI Publisher

In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a report using Oracle EBS BI Publisher.


Step 1: Define the Report Data

The first step in creating a report is to define the report data. This involves selecting the data source for the report and specifying the data fields that should be included in the report. In Oracle EBS BI Publisher, you can select data sources from a variety of options, including Oracle EBS, SQL databases, XML files, and Excel spreadsheets.


Step 2: Design the Report Layout

The next step in creating a report is to design the report layout. This involves selecting a report template and customizing it to meet your specific needs. In Oracle EBS BI Publisher, you can choose from a variety of pre-built templates or create your own custom template using the BI Publisher Template Builder.


Step 3: Add Data Fields to the Report

Once you have defined the report data and designed the report layout, the next step is to add data fields to the report. This involves selecting the data fields that should be included in the report and dragging them onto the report template. In Oracle EBS BI Publisher, you can use the Data Model view to select the data fields and the Layout Editor to drag them onto the report template.


Step 4: Preview and Test the Report

After you have added data fields to the report, the next step is to preview and test the report. This involves generating a sample report and reviewing it to ensure that it contains the correct data and is formatted correctly. In Oracle EBS BI Publisher, you can use the Preview function to generate a sample report.


Step 5: Publish the Report

Once you have previewed and tested the report, the final step is to publish the report. This involves generating the report and delivering it to the appropriate users or groups. In Oracle EBS BI Publisher, you can use the Delivery Options function to specify the format and delivery method for the report.



Oracle EBS BI Publisher is a powerful reporting tool that can help organizations improve their reporting processes and make better-informed business decisions. By providing users with the ability to create and manage their own reports, BI Publisher can help organizations reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve customer satisfaction. With its wide range of features and benefits, Oracle EBS BI Publisher is a valuable tool for any organization looking to improve its reporting capabilities.