Oracle Fusion Learning Management System (LMS) is a cloud-based platform that offers a range of features to manage employee training and development programs. It provides a comprehensive solution for managing various aspects of learning, such as course creation, scheduling, tracking, and reporting. In this blog post, we will discuss how to configure and manage Oracle Fusion LMS.


1) Configuration

Configuring Oracle Fusion LMS involves setting up various components such as organizations, job roles, and user roles. These components form the foundation of the LMS and help define the structure of the learning program.


2) Organizations

Organizations in Oracle Fusion LMS represent the company's hierarchy, with each organization being a subunit of the parent organization. The structure of the organizations determines how courses and training programs are assigned to employees. Organizations can be created in the Manage Enterprise HCM Information task, under the Manage Organization task. To create an organization, you need to provide basic details such as the organization name, parent organization, and location.


3) Job Roles

Job roles are used to define the different job functions within an organization. Each job role is associated with a set of competencies that are required for the job. Competencies can be defined as skills, knowledge, or behaviors that are required for an employee to perform their job. In Oracle Fusion LMS, job roles can be created in the Manage HCM Roles task under the Manage Profile Options task. To create a job role, you need to provide details such as the role name, description, and competencies.


4) User Roles

User roles in Oracle Fusion LMS determine the level of access that a user has in the system. There are four main user roles in Oracle Fusion LMS: learner, instructor, manager, and administrator. Each user role has a specific set of permissions that determine the actions that a user can perform. User roles can be created in the Security Console under the Roles and Role Inheritance task. To create a user role, you need to provide details such as the role name, description, and permissions.


5) Managing Courses

After configuring the basic components of Oracle Fusion LMS, the next step is to create and manage courses. Courses can be created using various methods such as importing from an external source, creating a new course, or copying an existing course. Once a course is created, you can add course content, set prerequisites, and define completion criteria.


6) Creating a Course

To create a new course in Oracle Fusion LMS, you need to navigate to the Course Catalog page and click on the Create Course button. You will then be prompted to provide details such as the course title, description, and objectives. You can also add additional details such as the course duration, language, and cost.


7) Adding Course Content

Once a course is created, you can add content such as documents, videos, and assessments. You can also add different types of activities such as instructor-led training, eLearning, and virtual classroom sessions. To add content to a course, you need to navigate to the Course Details page and click on the Edit Course button. You can then select the Content tab and add content using the Add Content button.


8) Setting Prerequisites

In Oracle Fusion LMS, you can set prerequisites for a course to ensure that learners have the required knowledge and skills before taking the course. Prerequisites can be defined as courses, competencies, or certifications that learners need to complete before enrolling in a course. To set prerequisites for a course, you need to navigate to the Course Details page and select the Prerequisites tab. You can then add the required courses, competencies, or certifications.


9) Defining Completion Criteria

Completion criteria in Oracle Fusion LMS define the conditions that a learner must meet to complete a course. Completion criteria can be defined as passing a quiz, attending a certain number of instructor-led sessions, or completing a certain number of eLearning modules. To define completion criteria for a course, you need to navigate to the Course Details page and select the Completion Criteria tab. You can then add the required completion criteria.


10) Managing Enrollment

Enrollment in Oracle Fusion LMS involves enrolling learners in courses and managing their progress. Enrollment can be done individually or in bulk, and learners can be assigned courses based on their job role, organization, or individual needs.


11) Enrolling Learners

To enroll learners in a course, you need to navigate to the Course Details page and select the Enrollments tab. You can then select the learners you want to enroll and choose the enrollment method. You can also set enrollment dates and assign a manager or instructor to the course.


12) Managing Progress

Once learners are enrolled in a course, you can monitor their progress and track their completion status. You can also send reminders to learners who have not completed the course and provide feedback to learners who need additional support. To manage learner progress, you need to navigate to the Enrollment Details page and select the Progress tab. You can then view the learner's progress and completion status.


13) Reporting

Reporting in Oracle Fusion LMS involves generating reports on various aspects of the learning program, such as learner progress, course completion rates, and training costs. Reports can be generated using predefined templates or customized to meet specific needs.


14) Predefined Reports

Oracle Fusion LMS provides predefined reports on various aspects of the learning program, such as course completion rates, learner progress, and training costs. To generate a predefined report, you need to navigate to the Reports and Analytics page and select the predefined report template. You can then customize the report by selecting the required parameters.


15) Customized Reports

In Oracle Fusion LMS, you can also create customized reports to meet specific needs. Customized reports can be created using the Report Designer tool, which allows you to select data sources, create queries, and design the report layout. To create a customized report, you need to navigate to the Reports and Analytics page and select the Report Designer tool. You can then select the data source, create the query, and design the report layout.



Oracle Fusion Learning Management System provides a comprehensive solution for managing employee training and development programs. Configuring and managing Oracle Fusion LMS involves setting up various components such as organizations, job roles, and user roles, creating and managing courses, managing enrollment, and generating reports. By following these best practices, organizations can create an effective learning program that supports employee development and drives business success.